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No output solution for measuring and controlling instrument

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No output solution for measuring and controlling instrument

Release date:2017-09-01 00:00 Source: http://www.garhope.com click: 92

No output solution for measuring and controlling instrument

1. check whether the power supply of the measuring and controlling instrument and instrument is connected and the polarity of the power supply is properly connected;

2. power supply measuring pressure controller, whether there is a 24V DC voltage; power supply voltage is greater than or equal to 12V must ensure that the pressure controller (i.e. the pressure controller input end of the power supply voltage is greater than or equal to 12V). If there is no power, it should check whether the circuit breaking and instrumentation selection error (whether the input impedance should be less than or equal to 250 ohms) and so on;

3. if it is with the header, check the meter is damaged (you can first two lines of the head short circuit, if the short circuit is normal, then that is the header damage), the damage to the meter, you need to change the meter;

4. connect the ammeter to the 24V power circuit to check if the current is normal. If normal, then the pressure change controller is normal. At this point, check whether other instruments in the loop are normal;

5. whether the power supply is connected to the power input terminal of the pressure change controller; the power line is connected to the power supply terminal.

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