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All parts of the purchase of measuring and control instrument procurement process simplified tide

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All parts of the purchase of measuring and control instrument procurement process simplified tide

Release date:2017-09-01 00:00 Source: http://www.garhope.com click:

All parts of the purchase of measuring and control instrument procurement process simplified tide


In recent years, countries have issued policy support for technological innovation, management of scientific research funds relaxed especially open procurement autonomy, affects the scientific nerve, also makes the management of scientific research funds has become the hot topic on behalf of members during NPC and CPPCC. The central government is taking the lead in simplifying the purchasing process of scientific research instruments, measuring instruments and measuring instruments in universities, scientific research institutions, and so on. Let us take a look at scientific research instruments and equipment all over the country and simplify the government procurement process!

Central government institutions, research institutes, scientific instruments and equipment, government procurement process simplified

Recently, the Ministry of Finance issued "on the improvement of central government procurement budget management unit and the central universities, research institutes and research equipment procurement management related matters", the office issued a document No. 50 requirements for implementation of purchasing instrument in universities have more autonomy and also to further simplify examination and approval procedures.

In order to encourage scientific research and technology development, promote the progress of science and technology, approved by the State Council, the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Taxation issued notice, China will continue to clear domestic research institutions and foreign R & D center domestic equipment purchases a full refund of vat. Notification of the tax policy implementation period of January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, from the domestic R & D institutions and foreign research and development centers to obtain tax refund qualification 1 months from the beginning of the implementation. The Circular of the Ministry of finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of customs and the State Administration of Taxation on the continued implementation of the taxation policy on purchasing equipment of R & D institutions (fiscal [2011] No. 88) shall be repealed simultaneously.

All parts of the purchase of measuring and control instrument procurement process simplified tide

Heilongjiang University Instrument procurement access to decentralization package

From the office of the State Office issued the "opinions" on the further perfection of the central government research funds management policies, as well as prime minister Li Keqiang put forward to the scientific research institutes and autonomy of universities to carry out scientific research more, how to simplify and standardize the University Scientific Research Institute equipment procurement, has become the focus of attention. Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Finance recently introduced new measures for this work......

In September 2016, the "government procurement information newspaper" reporter from the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of finance, government procurement management office was informed that in the face of scientific instruments and equipment procurement in Colleges and universities in the new situation, Heilongjiang province took the lead in the country to test the water, issued "on matters relating to government procurement of scientific instruments and equipment operating instructions" (hereinafter referred to as the "statement").

Fujian decentralized provincial institutions of higher learning, purchasing power, scientific research instruments can be purchased independently

In December 2016, the Fujian Provincial Department of Finance issued the "notice on improving the scientific research institute and provincial units of government procurement budget management in provincial universities research equipment procurement management related matters" (Fujian property purchase letter [2016]302) (hereinafter referred to as the "notice"), to further improve the procurement budget management, the provincial government units to improve procurement efficiency and simplify the audit process and promote the provincial universities and research institutes and research equipment procurement decentralization.

"Notice" also aims to implement the "government procurement law", "government procurement law", "Regulations for the implementation of the Fujian Provincial People's Government on the promotion of University Science and technology innovation to enhance the ability of a number of opinions" (Fujian political [2016]37), "the Ministry of Finance on improving the central government procurement budget management unit and the central universities, scientific research institute equipment procurement management matters related to notice" (Treasury No. [2016]194) the relevant provisions.

Simplifying the purchasing process of the instrument of measurement and control in Jiangxi

To further improve the provincial government procurement budget management, improve procurement efficiency, simplify the audit process, and promote provincial universities and research institutes, research instruments and equipment procurement decentralization. In March 22nd, the author learned from the Jiangxi Provincial Department of finance, to further decentralization, promoting the construction of innovative province in Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Province Department of Finance recently made clear, will simplify the Research Institute of provincial colleges and universities, scientific research instruments and equipment procurement approval process.

Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance official said that in the future, the provincial colleges and universities, research institutes and research equipment procurement, does not meet the standard of the amount of the public bidding procurement project, according to project applied situation, to determine the purchase way. To reach the public tender amount of standard, due to special circumstances require procurement outside the public tender (except for a single source), by scientific research institutes in provincial universities, Provincial Department of finance to directly submit a change request, and indicate the "scientific equipment", the Provincial Department of Finance approval will be preferred. To apply changes to the single source procurement mode, provincial universities and scientific research institutes according to the relevant provisions of the original budget, approved by the competent units agreed, submitted to the provincial finance department for examination and approval.

Simplify universities, research institutes, scientific instruments and equipment, government procurement methods approval process, increasing the autonomy of universities and research institutes, scientific research instruments and equipment procurement, decentralization will be implemented. In expanding the power of University procurement, how to make good use of power, and do a good job of risk prevention and control? This is the most important topic for universities and research institutes to think about.

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